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4 Tips to Keep Your Baby’s Smile Healthy from a Pediatric Dentist in Hillsboro

January 17, 2019

Filed under: Uncategorized — Dr. Michael Royse @ 7:46 pm

Your baby is undeniably adorable. You especially love their smile with its pure joy. Now imagine that as you take yet another picture of your baby, you see decay on their teeth. You would do anything to keep your baby healthy and protect them from harm, but are you taking care of their oral health? Here are four tips from a pediatric dentist in Hillsboro to make sure your baby can keep beaming at you for years to come.


A Pediatric Dentist in Hillsboro Explains How to Keep Your Baby’s Mouth Healthy

December 16, 2018

Filed under: Uncategorized — Tags: — Dr. Michael Royse @ 8:10 pm
nursing baby

Your baby isn’t even eating solid food yet, so how could there possibly be any threat of tooth decay? Everything that goes in your baby’s mouth has the potential to feed the bacteria that are the precursors to decay, or early childhood caries. Read on to learn what a pediatric dentist in Hillsboro recommends parents do to keep their infant’s mouth healthy and their teeth strong and cavity-free. 


Prevent Early Childhood Caries with a Pediatric Dentist in Hillsboro

November 12, 2018

Filed under: Uncategorized — Tags: — Dr. Michael Royse @ 6:21 pm

Is there anything more adorable than a baby’s smile—especially if that baby happens to be yours? The answer to that question is obvious! Until your children are older, taking care of their teeth is your responsibility. Chief among your concerns should be preventing early childhood caries (ECC), which used to be known as baby bottle tooth decayor nursing caries. ECC refers to the early development of cavities in kids who are younger than five. Continue reading for tips on how to prevent ECC from a pediatric dentist. 


Does Your Child Have a Toothache? Get Tips From a Pediatric Dentist in Hillsboro!

October 14, 2018

Filed under: Uncategorized — Dr. Michael Royse @ 1:04 pm

Model of a tooth next to a first-aid kit As a parent, nothing is worse than seeing your child in pain. Fortunately, you probably know basic first-aid for common situations like a scraped knee or upset tummy, but toothaches are something else altogether! While they can range from mild to severe, they’re always difficult to get through, especially for kids. If your child comes to you with a toothache, you may not be sure how to handle it. But the good news is that there are some simple steps you can take at home to manage their pain until they can be treated by a pediatric dentist in Hillsboro. Keep reading to learn more below!


Is Thumb Sucking Bad? A Pediatric Dentist in Hillsboro Explains

September 3, 2018

Filed under: Uncategorized — Dr. Michael Royse @ 7:35 pm

Boy sucking thumb. Does your child suck their thumb? This is completely normal and even healthy for your young one. Most children give up their thumb sucking habit on their own when they’re around 4 to 5 years old. However, thumb sucking can become a problem if your child continues to suck when their adult teeth start coming in. Keep reading to learn what issues prolonged thumb sucking can cause as well as some treatment options for this habit from a pediatric dentist in Hillsboro.


Your Children’s Dentist in Hillsboro Says Do This Before the First Visit

August 5, 2018

Filed under: Uncategorized — Dr. Michael Royse @ 1:49 pm

little girl curly hair at dentistAs a parent, you know that one of the most important contributors to your child’s oral health is visiting your children’s dentist in Hillsboro for preventive care, but since this will be the first appointment, you’re worried about how he or she will react. You wonder, “What can I do to make this a smooth transition?” Thankfully, there are some simple things you can put in place that will accommodate your wishes and start your child down a path to excellent oral health. Read on to learn some strategies.


A Children’s Dentist in Hillsboro Shares Tips About Teething

July 23, 2018

Filed under: Uncategorized — Dr. Michael Royse @ 3:48 pm

Baby teeth

The first 12 months of a baby’s life is filled with milestones: the day they come home from the hospital, their first smile, the first time they roll over and begin to crawl. Another memorable milestone is when that first baby tooth appears! Teething can be a trying time for an infant, and as a parent, you may have to deal with a fair share of baby drool and tempter-tantrums as your child’s smile develops. However, even if your baby is a bit fussy during teething, it is important to start them on a path of good oral hygiene by brushing their teeth – or even just that first tooth – twice every day. For more advice related to teething and your children’s dental health, read what a children’s dentist in Hillsboro says below.


3 Oral Care Tips from Your Children’s Dentist in Hillsboro

June 6, 2018

Filed under: Uncategorized — Dr. Michael Royse @ 5:56 pm

A young girl brushing her tongue.Now that your baby has grown into a child who’s able to brush on their own, you’ll want to make sure that they’re doing everything correctly. Luckily, you shouldn’t be expected to do it entirely on your own. According to your children’s dentist in Hillsboro, there are right and wrong ways to approach oral care, both at home and when visiting your dentist.

Once you have these tips in mind, keeping your child’s oral health on track will be simple!


Your Children’s Dentist in Hillsboro: Oral Care for Baby Teeth

May 4, 2018

Filed under: Uncategorized — Dr. Michael Royse @ 4:49 pm

A smiling baby.Like many areas of early development, you’ll want to pay very close attention to make sure no complications appear. One of the most important areas to focus on is the mouth, not just because it makes a big difference in your baby’s life, but because of how proactive you can be to keep your infant on track.

To make this process easier, your children’s dentist in Hillsboro explains a few steps to consider when managing your baby’s early developments.


Your Pediatric Dentist in Hillsboro Says Protect Your Kid’s Mouth!

March 16, 2018

Filed under: Uncategorized — Dr. Michael Royse @ 4:16 pm

young boy inserting mouthguardIn observance of National Facial Protection Month (NFPM), your pediatric dentist in Hillsboro is weighing in to remind you of the importance of thinking about the “what-ifs” when it comes to your little one’s involvement in any sporting events. One of the what-ifs is a collision that can easily occur while involved in an activity, which can lead to a serious dental emergency. As you continue reading, you’ll learn more about the importance of a custom mouthguard in helping your kiddo be as safe as possible.


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