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A Custom Mouthguard: The Must-Have Item for School Sports

August 21, 2024

Filed under: Uncategorized — Dr. Michael Royse @ 9:48 pm
Child wearing a custom mouthguard

As the new school year approaches, you’re probably busy checking off school supply lists, organizing new wardrobes, and prepping your kids for class. But amidst all the back-to-school hustle, there’s one essential item that often gets overlooked: a mouthguard. If your child is gearing up for sports or other physical activities, a custom mouthguard should be at the top of your list. Read on to see why.

What Does a Custom Mouthguard Do?

Whether your child is a budding soccer star, a basketball bouncer, or a fan of playground parkour, their smile is at risk! A mouthguard acts as a shield, cushioning impacts to their faces and minimizing the risk of dental injuries. Without one, a stray elbow or a hard fall could lead to broken teeth, cut lips, or severe dental trauma. The last thing you want to deal with during their first week back at school is a dental emergency!

Can’t I Find a Mouthguard at a Store?

You can always get a mouthguard at a sporting goods store, so why would you invest in a custom one? The truth is, not all mouth protection is created equal. A mouthguard made by your child’s dentist offers superior protection because it’s tailored to fit your child’s unique smile. Not only does this ensure a snug, comfortable fit, but it also fixes one of the biggest issues with most mouthguards: using it!

What Could Happen Without a Custom Mouthguard?

The statistics have been in for a while now. Children who don’t wear mouthguards are 60 times more likely to suffer dental injuries during sports! These issues can range from chipped or fractured teeth to more severe cases like tooth loss or jaw fractures. This makes the cost of investing in a quality mouthguard all worth it, especially when compared to the cost of treating a dental emergency.

So, as you prepare for the new school year, don’t forget to add a custom mouthguard to your child athlete’s list of essentials. It’s a small investment that can save you and your child a lot of pain and hassle down the road.

About the Practice

Dr. Michael Royse and Dr. Andrea Beltzner are our talented dental duo at The Dentists at Orenco for Kids. For decades, both have been practicing at the highest levels of their craft, helping their patients achieve safe and healthy smiles. If your child needs a custom mouthguard, call (503) 640-6565 to schedule an appointment. You can also visit our website to dive into other services we offer just in time for the back-to-school season!

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